Preparing your own income tax return can be an undertaking that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.
Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.
We have the technical knowledge and expertise to provide top-quality tax services to both closely held businesses and individuals. We strive to help you minimize your tax liability and ensure compliance with the ever-changing tax rules and regulations while helping you achieve your overall financial goals.
Our philosophy is to take a proactive approach with clients. We emphasize planning to help reduce tax liabilities of corporate and individual tax clients. We stress timely completion of tax compliance and timely response to any tax questions you may have. Our professionals are continually monitoring recent and proposed legislation for potential changes that would impact clients.
We have experience in a variety of industries, which allows us to quickly become familiar with your circumstances and offer the best possible tax advice in a timely and cost-effective manner.
The professionals at BHGP&S offer you a thorough understanding of the various tax rules and regulations that impact your individual situation.