With the switch to prospective billing, BWC will require payment before it provides coverage.
- For July 1, 2016, private employers will be given a bi-monthly (six installment) payment schedule, with the option to select a different plan by May 15. If you are a minimum premium payer ($120 plus assessments), you must pay in one installment.
- Employers will have the following options:
- Monthly (12 installments);
- Bi-monthly (six installments);
- Quarterly (four installments);
- Bi-annually (two installments);
- Annually (one installment).
- Employers may only select their installment options once a year. The option an employer chooses is effective for the entire policy year.
- An employer’s coverage will lapse if BWC does not receive timely payment of an installment.
- Employers must reconcile their actual payroll for the prior policy year. BWC is calling this a payroll true-up. This will be due 45 days after the close of the policy year. Your true up report notice for the 2016 policy year will be received on approx. July 1, 2017 and will be due August 15, 2017.
- BWC will not lapse employers for not reporting the payroll true-up.
- However, BWC will remove employers from their current rating plan or discount program if it does not receive a payroll true-up by the due date.
Policy year 2015 (7/1/15-6/30/16)
Policy year 2016 (7/1/16-6/30/17)