Limit on employee contributions to 401k, 403b, or 457 plan$19,000 $19,500 $500
Limit on age 50+ catchup contributions to 401k, 403b, or 457 plan$6,000 $6,500 $500
SIMPLE 401k or SIMPLE IRA contributions limit$13,000 $13,500 $500
SIMPLE 401k or SIMPLE IRA age 50+ catchup contributions limit$3,000 $3,000 None
Highly Compensated Employee definition$125,000 $130,000 $5,000
Maximum annual additions to all defined contribution plans by the same employer$56,000 $57,000 $1,000
Traditional and Roth IRA contribution limit$6,000 $6,000 None
Traditional and Roth IRA age 50+ catchup contribution limit$1,000 $1,000 None
Deductible IRA income limit, single, active participant in workplace retirement plan$64,000 – $74,000$65,000 – $75,000$1,000
Deductible IRA income limit, married, active participant in workplace retirement plan$103,000 – $123,000$104,000 – $124,000$1,000
Deductible IRA income limit, married, spouse is active participant in workplace retirement plan$193,000 – $203,000$196,000 – $206,000$3,000
Roth IRA income limit, single$122,000 – $137,000$124,000 – $139,000$2,000
Roth IRA income limit, married filing jointly$193,000 – $203,000$196,000 – $206,000$3,000
FSA Contribution Limit$2,700 $2,750 $50
HSA Contribution Limit, single coverage$3,500 $3,550 $50
HSA Contribution Limit, family coverage$7,000 $7,100 $100
HSA, age 55 catch-up$1,000 $1,000 None
December 10, 2019 3:01 pm